Nick is a data software enthusiast, building OSS software and is building SaaS apps. When Nick is not at a computer, you can find him out racing sailboats and involved with various entrepreneurial ventures.

= open-source (OSS)
- Freelance Software Engineer building SaaS products
- Director of Engineering @SwirldsLabs (Hedera hashgraph and distributed ledger technology)
- Author of a distributed queueing system in Go
- VP of Engineering @Sixgill (computer vision / machine learning)
- Author nickpoorman/nats-requeue
- A service that persists @nats-io messages to disk and retries sending them at a deferred time
- Founder Gomem
Github Organization
- Memory and data software in Go
- Author gomem/gomem
- Packages for working with Apache Arrow in Go. Includes a Go DataFrame built on Apache Arrow.
- Contributor apache/arrow
- Porting the Apache Arrow C++ Parquet implementation to Go - ARROW-7905
- Director of Engineering on Data Platform @RedVentures
- Contributor apache/arrow
- Author go-bullseye/bullseye
- A Go DataFrame built on Apache Arrow
- Contributor go-python/gopy
- Author nickpoorman/go-py-arrow-bridge
- Bridge between Go and Python to facilitate zero-copy using Apache Arrow
- Author nickpoorman/go-python-arrow-zero-copy-poc
- POC for zero-copy between Go and Python using Apache Arrow
- Contributor nickpoorman/go-python3
- Go bindings to the CPython-3 API with support for Py_buffer
- Author nickpoorman/go-benchmark-plot
- CLI tool to plot Go benchmarks on a graph
- Author nickpoorman/pytasks
- Python task execution in Go that makes working with the Python GIL simple
- Contributor contribsys/faktory_worker_go
- Implemented weighted queues - 20
- Director of Engineering on Data Platform @RedVentures
- Routing tens of thousands of events per second to hundreds of destinations and integrations
- Scala, Spark (Databricks)
- AWS Kinesis
- Cassandra
- Reinforcement Learning, Bandits
- Owner &
- Investor @Untappd
- Senior Software Engineer on Data Science Engineering @RedVentures
- Machine Learning, Data Enrichment
- Scala, Spark (Databricks), Akka
- AWS S3
- Partner & - Email SaaS Product
- Owner
- Partner & - Email SaaS Product
- Lead Data Scientist @Untappd (@NextGlass)
- Reported to CTO
- GraphQL API for Untappd For Business
- Local Badges and Payment Processing for Untappd For Business
- Ruby on Rails (RoR), Postgres, Redis, Sidekiq, Vue.js, React.js, and GraphQL
- Member of Port City Young Professionals
- Author nickpoorman/tab-lint
- A simple bash script to lint your project for tabs
- Author nickpoorman/ruby_json_hasher
- Create a stable SHA-2 hash from a JSON object in Ruby
- Cognitive Analytics Panelist @NCTA State Of Technology Conference
- Lead Data Scientist @Untappd (@NextGlass)
- Reported to CEO
- Menu Builder for Untappd For Business
- Facebook and Twitter integration for Untappd For Business
- Sidekiq Job Processing for Untappd For Business
- Ruby on Rails (RoR), Postgres, Redis, Sidekiq, Vue.js, React.js, and GraphQL
- Owner
- Member of Port City Young Professionals
- Author nickpoorman/go-amp-message
- Higher level AMP message manipulation for golang
- Author nickpoorman/go-amp
- Abstract message protocol for golang
- Author nickpoorman/bray-curtis
- Nearest neighbor using bray curtis dissimilarity
- Author nickpoorman/get-max
- Get the maximum of two numbers that works with non-numbers
- Author nickpoorman/get-min
- Get the minimum of two numbers that works with non-numbers
- Author nickpoorman/is-finite-number
- Determines if input is a finite number and works with non-numbers
- Author nickpoorman/heroku-log-filter
- Filter heroku logs and retain the color
- Author nickpoorman/docker-spark-job-server
- Docker container containing a Spark Job Server
- Author nickpoorman/docker-mesos
- A base Docker layer for Mesos
- Author nickpoorman/docker-redis-cluster
- Docker container to start a redis cluster
- Author nickpoorman/docker-spark-postgresql-base
- Docker image that contains a spark build which has been compiled with postgresql driver
- Author nickpoorman/docker-spark-postgresql
- Entrypoint for nickpoorman/docker-spark-postgresql-base Docker image
- Author nickpoorman/docker-echo-hostname
- Docker repo that when launched will echo the hostname in a loop. Useful for debugging containers in cluster
- Author nickpoorman/docker-chronos
- Chronos for Mesos with Docker - Built from source
- Author nickpoorman/template-scala-parallel-prediction
- Get a rating prediction for a given user and item
- Author nickpoorman/chi-square-nearest-neighbor
- Nearest neighbor using chi-square distance
- Author nickpoorman/object-keys-to-case
- Change all the keys of an object to a given case
- Author nickpoorman/smape
- Symmetric mean absolute percentage error (SMAPE)
- Author nickpoorman/mape
- Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)
- Lead Data Scientist @Untappd (@NextGlass)
- Reported to CEO
- Created of the machine learning layer, powering the recommendations and scores behind the Next Glass app.
- Designed and implemented near real-time machine learning, scaling to over 1.5 billion ratings and recommendations monthly to Next Glass users.
- Analyzed and cleaned terabytes of Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry data for thousands of bottles of wine and beer.
- Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Mesos, Spark, Analytical Chemistry, Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Real-Time, API, Scala, Node.js, Golang, Ruby, Rails, RethinkDB
- Advisor @Likeli
- Dating app using machine learning and psychometric profiling
- Built the POC for the startup
- Advised on data science and machine learning
- Member of Port City Young Professionals
- Author nickpoorman/object-md5
- Create a stable MD5 hash out of an object
- Author nickpoorman/rmse
- Calculates Root Mean Square Error
- Author nickpoorman/one-hot
- One hot encode vectors using a streaming implementation
- Author nickpoorman/scale-number-range
- Linear scale of a number from one range to another
- Author nickpoorman/co-blackhole
- Sends non-filtered errors to a blackhole for co framework
- Author nickpoorman/tallship-manifest
- High availability service management
- Full Stack Developer @Untappd (@NextGlass)
- Reported to CTO
- Worked with Sean Ownen and Peter Prettenhofer on NextGlass machine learning recommendation POC
- Bridge Officer (Lt.) Cape Fear Sail & Power Squadron
- Member of Port City Young Professionals
- Full Stack Developer @Untappd (@NextGlass)
- Reported to CTO
- Author nickpoorman/mongodb-collection-dump
- Author nickpoorman/object-stream-to-fs
- Consume a stream of objects and save them to a file
- Author nickpoorman/rmse
- Calculates Root Mean Square Error
- Author nickpoorman/sandbox-news
- Hacker News style news site for Syracuse Student Sandbox
- Built backend APIs in Node.js for the Alpha version of the Next Glass app
- Contributor harthur/brain
- Contributor deoxxa/jsmc Javascript Minecraft Server
- Co-Founder @Regattable
- Designed and implemented “The Harbor” - a software suite for race management. Improved on the PHRF system by using artificial neural networks to set handicap for boats by using boat specs such as LOA, LWL, etc..
- Co-Founder & COO @Regattable
- Designed, fund-raised, and built a portable (folding) 16-foot catamaran sailboat that fits in the trunk of your car.
- Business planning, grant proposals, built contacts with banks or large payment processing, and public relations with the sailing community.
- Bachelors Degree in Computer Science from SUNY Oswego - concentration in AI and Cyber Security
- Cyber Defence Research PMC @Air Force Research Laboratory
- Protocol Analysis, IPv6, OpenBSD Kernel Programming in C, CAC R&D, Cyber Sciences, Cyber Defense
- Treasurer @Computer Science Association
- Author nickpoorman/Java-Port-Knocking-Backdoor
- A Semi-Stealthy Port Knocking Backdoor
- Treasurer @Computer Science Association
- Team Leader @Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition
- Author nickpoorman/CS-Project-Parallel-Cluster-Heat-Distribution
- A distributed version of nickpoorman/CS-Project-Metal-Heat-Distribution
- Author nickpoorman/CS-Project-Metal-Heat-Distribution
- A visual representation and parallel Java simulation of metal (pixels) heating up.
- Author nickpoorman/CS-Project-Fibonacci-Fork-Join
- Fibonacci generator using Java ForkJoin
- Treasurer @Computer Science Association
- Author nickpoorman/CS-Project-Persistent-BTree
- Persistent on-disk BTree implementation in Java
- Author nickpoorman/
- Text based game foundation with plugin api
- Author nickpoorman/CSC445-TFTP-Sliding-Windows-Java
- A TFTP implementation for IPv4 and IPv6 that also has the ability to use sliding windows
- Social Chairman @Computer Science Association
- Project Manager (Contractor) @TEA
- US Sailing Instructor @Oswego Maritime Foundation
- Author nickpoorman/CSC344-A3-Python
- First attempt at Python. Website that grabs comments from Ventrilo and displays them on a page
- Systems Assembler @Seneca Data
- President @‘Cuse Cuisine
- Vice President of Production @Rockin’ Recipes
- US Sailing Instructor @Henderson Harbor Water Sports